For some reasons we can't cancel the recording now:
Desktop-Only Access
Please open the link on Desktop. Thanks for understanding! 😊
Please use latest Chrome version on Desktop
Live Conversation
Oops, it looks like you may be using a browser that we don't support yet.
Make sure you're using the most recent version of Google Chrome to get the full Live Conversation experience.
Live Conversation
Oops, it looks like you may be using a Chrome version that we don't support.
Make sure you're using the most recent version to get the full Live Conversation experience.
Desktop-Only Access
Please open the link on Desktop. Thanks for understanding! 😊
Please use latest Chrome version on Desktop
Cancel Session?
If you cancel this session it will be permanent.
Why are you cancelling this session?
I chose the wrong session day
I set the wrong slot time
I chose the wrong session time
Other reasons:
You have to write down the reason
You have to choose at least one reason
This information is for internal use only and will not be shared with the tester or observer.The session starts soon. Continuing may result in penalization.
This information is only for internal use of userlytics.